The Election Won’t Decide Everything

Change by Choice.
3 min readOct 31, 2020

No one thing will ever decide everything.

Dear Humans,

This election will define a lot of really important things -but it won’t decide everything. Nothing does. No one thing — will ever be everything.

So… I’ll just say it!

The fate of the world will never come down to 2 ailing, out-of-touch, eerie, emotionally-unregulated, awkward-AF, white dudes.

I hope you felt that.

I hope this resonates and recenters GenWoke — (my Queens, my Kings, my Namastes, my “Nama-Go’s”, my thinkers, my allies, my seers, my sages, my sistahs and sisters, my brothas and brothers). This is our moment. This is our movement. We awaken the consciousness of our nation.

Make no mistake — this election will forever mark a historical moment in our country and in the world. So as our nation waits patiently to see who will be the next POTUS; remember — no one thing will EVER decide everything.

Not even the 2020 Election.

Both Repubs and Demos used fear as strategy to sway our favor and our vote. On November 4th — the day after the 2020 Election — We the People, will be left to reconcile with and heal from the compassion deficit accrued from campaigns that weaponize our fear into political arsenal. This fear has divided us. Wounded us. Individually together. Our healing is our justice. So we must remember our deepest truth. Our highest knowing. This election and this year will pass; but your Power will remain.

We can think independently together. We can learn independently together. We can love independently together. We can live independently together.

So regardless of the outcome of the 2020 Election…

No one election, one experience, one email, one meeting, one job, one relationship, one mistake, one success, or one choice — will ever be everything.

Your entire future WILL NOT be decided by this election. You are forever becoming the sum of the many choices you elect every day. And you will still get to make those choices on November 4th — after this election.

VOTE — but remain in your Power.

VOTE — but remain in your Self-Sovereignty. This is GenWoke.

We are GenWoke.

I am GenWoke.

— — — — Written by Dr. Bre (she/hers/Queen)

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors solely. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Planned Parenthood or any organization.

Author | Speaker | Coach | Consultant — Dr. Bre is the Director of Equity, Inclusion & Community Engagement for Planned Parenthood of Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands and Planned Parenthood of Kentucky & Indiana. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and prominent Equity & Inclusion executive, professor and thought-leader in healing-centered social change with over 15 years of experience.

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Change by Choice.

Mental health is generational wealth. Our healing is our justice.